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Artwork description

Esta obra se inscribe dentro del género de la pintura abstracta, parte de la idea de un paisaje sideral, cósmico, evidentemente subjetivo, con referencias cromáticas sensibles, de una cierta altisonancia

Artist information

I was born in Caracas, Venezuela on April 13, 1950, I studied Pure Art at the School of Fine and Applied Arts Cristóbal Rojas in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1973 I began studies in Graphic Arts Graphic Center Cultural Institute and Fine Arts in Venezuela, in 1975, beginning my studies in Fine Arts Teaching, in 1981 I get a scholarship from the Ministry of Education and traveled to Milan, Italy to pursue studies in Graphic Design at the Istituto Europeo di Design. In 1985 return to my country and...

See more information about Hugo Mariño

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