
Desnudo Nude Man Hombre inmaculada lara cepeda, maku

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Mixed media
  • Medium: Paper
  • Theme: Nude Paintings
  • Measurements: 6.61 x 9.25 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: desnudo, pintura, dibujo, erotico, gay, boceto

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Artwork description

Desnudo masculino inmaculada lara cepeda, maku, erotic, erotico, gay

Artist information

Inmaculada Lara Cepeda, known as "Maku," is a visual and interdisciplinary artist born in Tomelloso (Ciudad Real). She works in sculpture, painting, sound art, performance, and poetry.

She holds a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca (2007), specializing in sculpture, audiovisuals, art media, and sound art. She is also a Higher Technician in Applied Arts to Sculpture from the School of Arts of Ávila (2000).

Maku was awarded the prestigious International Scholarship "Antonio Gala" for Young Creators (2004).

The artist has developed an extensive career that includes participation in international sculpture symposiums and teaching.

She has worked in various regions of Spain, particularly at the Marble School of Andalusia CEMAF (2007-2009), where she learned large-scale industrial techniques.

Maku has created several monumental sculptures located in different parts of Spain and Portugal. Some of her notable works include:

“Tren” (2003) – Villamayor de Armuña, Salamanca. (Steel and sandstone)

“Papiroflexia I" (2004) – El Grove, Pontevedra. (Granite)

“Bella Quiteria" (2005) – Munera, Albacete. (Concrete)

"Istmo" (2005) – Valdesimonte, Segovia. (Limestone)

“Happy Machine II" (2008) – Almería. (Marble)

“Happy Machine III" (2008) – Portugal. (Marble)

In Germany, she has worked in stone restoration and taught at Freie Werkschule Meißen (2012) and Humboldt-Gymnasium Eichwalde since 2020, where she teaches art and Spanish for foreigners. Maku actively participates in both national and international spheres and has collaborated on various publications, poetic readings, and cultural events that include concerts, exhibitions, and workshops. She has worked on illustration and poetry projects, and her research in sound art has been featured in podcasts by the University of Salamanca (2009).

Her works address themes of spirituality, emotions, and the relationship between humans and their environment. The author believes in the social commitment of art, reflecting a thoughtful vision in her works.

Maku continues to update her skills in new techniques and materials in visual arts, adapting to changes in the art world and digital media.

Inmaculada Lara Cepeda "Maku" currently resides in Berlin and is a multidisciplinary artist active both in Spain and Germany

See more information about Inmaculada Lara Cepeda "Maku"

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Little 7.9 x 11.1 in165 $
Medium 20.9 x 28.8 in364 $
Big 33.1 x 46.1 in455 $
Personalized7.9 x 11.1 in
165 $

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