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Bane means “a source of persistent annoyance or exasperation”. The owners of this once fine building would likely see these ruins as the “bane” of there existence. The stone building might have been built by the same craftsmen, who worked on the Rideau Canal. Although the stonework endures, anything made of wood was suffering.
I stood in the field southwest of the building with a large maple behind me. The painting is as I saw the scene although I did move the hydro pole to the north.
The small wooden building in the right foreground might have been used as a school bus stop for the kids of the farm or perhaps the milk pick-up. The use of the building was no longer obvious.
A thick deck of cirrostratus filled the sky from the southwest while I painted. The next winter storm was on the way. It got progressively chillier as the cloud blocked the sun as it sunk lower on the horizon. The shadows also got longer. The length of the shadows in the painting is as they appeared around 4:30 pm.
A good afternoon…
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