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Artwork description

Archival ink print on matte finish Epson canvas. Archival quality prints lasts for more than 30 years in terms of their colour saturation and vibrancy.
Heavenly plants is a photographic series of images of plants taken by me and manipulated into beautiful psychedelic imaginary plants with vivid colours.

Artist information

Abstrationist, Abstract expressionist, Minimalist, Excessivist and Post modernist.

Self taught multi-disciplinary artist finding modern ways of making contemporary art.

Selling art worldwide since 2008.

Aspiring to be one of the most inspiring artists for post modern expressionism.

See more information about Sumit Mehndiratta

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Little 7.9 x 11.1 in164 $
Medium 29.6 x 40.2 in414 $
Big 51.2 x 69.3 in948 $
Personalized7.9 x 11.1 in
164 $

Delivery between 5 and 7 days

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