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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Canada
  • Category: Net Art/Digital Art
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: desnudos

Creative Commons License - by-nc-nd

Artwork description

La sexualidad, sus definiciones como mujer, hombre, heterosexual, homosexual y demás, En la actualidad el tema de la definición sexual es un realidad constante, que en ocasiones se tranforma en un arma de doble filo para el propio ser , ante la moral de la sociedad.
Esta obra Gano dos premios en el Salón Panorama 42 - Sobre la Obra de Wilfredo Lam obtuvo: 2005- Premio Centro Pablo de la Torriente Brau en Arte Digital, en el Salón Panorama 42.Marianao, C.Habana
2005- Premio Fototeca de Cuba en fotografía en el Salón Panorama 42. Marianao, C Habana.

Artist information

Fernando Pendas Fernandez was born in Havana City, Cuba in 1980.
His fields of expertise include, painting, photography, digit arts, illustration, Graphic design. He has experience in teaching painting and drawing to children.

Fernando has participated in more than 50 group exhibits in Cuba and in other countries.
His six solo exhibits have been shown in Cuba and Canada.
Since 1995 Pendas has won 11 awards and recognitions in Cuba and abroad.
His artistic work is part of

See more information about Fernando Pendas

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