Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Cuba
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Figure Painting
  • Measurements: 25.20 x 37.01 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: arte, pintura, amor, love, art, painting

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Artwork description

Al adentrarnos en el trabajo de Bornot, observamos la búsqueda constante de elementos creativos, que provoquen emociones en los espectadores, mas allá del tema representado, y esta obra es un buen ejemplo de esto.
Asistimos entonces a un arte que se representa a si mismo de forma natural y precisa, sin códigos complejos que desvíen la atención del observador.
Es por eso que en este cuadro, tenemos a una niña sola, con los ojos cerrados y sosteniendo un ramo de flores, con un vestido rojo que proporciona un contraste equilibrado que acentúa la posición de los planos.
La luz difusa e intensa ilumina todos los elementos de la escena, al estilo de los impresionistas mas interesados en los efectos lumínicos que en otros temas.
El modelado es básicamente plano, sin grandes contrastes, con una composición central, simétrica con líneas verticales que se elevan en una dinámica que conforma la estructura principal de la obra.
Esta pintura nos transmite sensaciones de inocencia, de ternura, y vulnerabilidad entre otras, lo que nos permite reconocer a un artista de gran sensibilidad que trabaja con los pinceles y con las emociones.
When getting into Bornot´s work we watch his constant quest for creative elements, able to provoke emotions on their spectators beyond the depicted topic, and this work is a good example of this.
Then we witness an art which represents itself in a natural and precise way, without complex codes that divert the attention of the observer.
Because of this in this picture we only have a girl, with her eyes shut, and holding a bunch of flowers, with a red dress which provides a balanced contrast, stressing the position of the planes.
The blurred and intense light enlightens all the elements of the scene, as the style of the impressionists, more interested on luminic effects that in other topics.
The modeled is basically flat, without great contrasts, with a central composition, symmetric with vertical lines, rising in a dynamic which makes up the main structure of the work.
This painting transmits us feelings of innocence, tenderness and vulnerability, among others, which allows us to recognize a great sensibility artist who works with his brushes and with human emotions.

Artist information

Born in March 1964 in the city of Santiago de Cuba, Republic of Cuba. Currently lives and works in Havana. Its formation as an artist is basically self-taught. His early experiences in the Plastic Arts realizcomo amateur in the early afternoon YMS 80 years in the decade of the 90 starts venture in a serious and professional dedicndose full time to painting that henceforth sersu great passion. His work has been recognized by the specialized criticism both nationally and internationally and his...

See more information about Antonio Perez Bornot

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Original work sold

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Little 7.9 x 11.9 in164 $
Medium 26.8 x 39 in415 $
Big 44.9 x 65.8 in950 $
Personalized7.9 x 11.9 in
164 $

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