Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Colombia
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Figure Painting
  • Measurements: 61.42 x 62.99 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: color, fuerza, amor, vida, libertad

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Artwork description

Libertad de tus deseos y pensamientos que exprezas atravez de tus movimientos y acciones con la verdadera desnudes del alma.
Esta obra fue pintada en miami, es es resultado de cada una de mis experiencias nocturnas, calidas, alegres, fugaces, sexuales y sensuales que vivo y percibo atravez de cada uno de mis sentidos, formando asi un lenguage comporal y magico, que atravez del color, movimiento y fluidez de cada una de mis pinceladas foman un conjunto de imagenes y simbolos, para convertirlo luego en imagenes reales.
tecnica, oleo sobre lienzo.
Esta obra a sido expuesta en numerosas exhibiciones.

Artist information

It was the land of Colombia, which saw the birth of this unique artistic qualities painter, owner of a genuine style, mystical and creative. Since childhood showed different abilities to capture concepts such as time, space, motion, light, texture and the different emotions and feelings. He studied at the Universidad de la Sabana in Colombia. Before you opt for the oil painting on canvas, study and work in various painting techniques: oil, acrylic, charcoal, watercolor, ink, pastel, and mixed...

See more information about Luis Eduardo Satova '' lesatova''

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