Pedro Ramon Lopez nos presenta imagenes de Fidel Castro, Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo y William Morgan al desmantelar la conspiracion e invasion fraguada por Rafael Leonidas Trujillo auspiciando un grupo cubano de estirpe batistiana. Estan representados por una imitacion de la fotografia existente enmarcada en un trabajo en apropiacion al maestro Raul Martinez.
Pedro Ramon Lopez
Pedro Ramon Lopez born Santa Clara Cuba in 1945, Sali in 1961 to exile in the United States. Since entonces Pedro Ramon Lopez has lived in various cities and countries: Wilmington, Miami, San Juan, Pars, Madrid and currently resides in Santo Domingo. Pedro and Ramon Lopez's degree in history (BA Florida Atlantic University, 1968) Tien a Master of Business in Latin America (MA, University of Miami, 1970) and Ph.D. in Derecho (JD, Interamerican University in 1975.)...
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