Esta obra fue realizada en 2008 con la misma técnica que el cuadro titulado \"Windsurf\": acrílico, ceras blandas y Betún de Judea.
En ambas pinturas contrasta el colorido con la fuerza y el ensueño con la expresividad.
Concha Jiménez (Seville, 1981) received her Master of Fine Arts from Seville University in 2003 where she studied printmaking and graphic design. She did two years’ specialization in screen-printing, lithography, etching, copperplate and woodcut. In 2001 she studied with Francois Maréchal, master of xylography, and Omar Kessel, master of lithography in CIEC (International and Contemporary Printmaking Center of A Coruña). Since 2003 she has researched the fusion
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