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Sed: Acuarela sobre papel de 40,6x30,5 cm realizada en Noviembre de 2010 en Genova, Italia, composición de tonos romanticos que evocan recuardos, su esquema triangular invertido nos hace ver la flotación o suspención sobre el agua que acaricia sus pies y manos.Thirst: Watercolor on paper 40,6 x30, 5 cm made in November 2010 in Genoa, Italy, romantic composition of tones that evoke recuardos its inverted triangular pattern we see the float on water or suspension which caresses your feet and hands.
Ana Maria Garcia Ruiz was born in Seville on March 24, 1980. It is a self taught artist, from small to see his father who studied at the School of Art and Craft of Seville oil painting in his spare time and this aroused their enthusiasm for art. In Sevilla 2007 began to create works with his first easel and oils up to two years after Groningen, The Netherlands during a period of 1 year there does much of its work by attending a course in Portrait ALSU model, student cultural center of the...
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