Una sencilla camisa colgada en una silla rústica. La sombra se refleja en unos lienzos en blanco. La inspiración fue, evidentemente, Van Gogh. Fue expuesta en mi primera exposición individual en Noviembre de 2001 en Benetússer (Valencia).
Hi netizens, always committed to talk about yourself (there is a danger of seeming a bit self-centered), but as yet I have no biographer is not going to be helped. The self-portrait dates from 1998, when he was a little younger, thinner and with more hair. I was born in Valencia (Spain) on April 1, 1977. I have always liked to draw, as a child dreamed of becoming a painter or a cartoonist. The first solo I did was in the "Xapa Xalet of" a room of the municipality of Benetuser dependent....
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