Pruebo la Tierra Roja
Y reconozco mi humanidad
Siento el impulso creador
Y mi espíritu planea
Como el halcón que vuela en espiral
Puedo tocar el calor
Del Abuelo Sol
Para que mi corazón
No se enfríe nunca.
Entonces voy al centro
De mi Espacio Sagrado
Entrando el Silencio
Para redescubrir la
Llama Eterna del Amor.
Born in Montevideo on 17 January 1961 Pedro Poveda at school won second prize with a collage in a contest for children of Banco Popular. Studied music at the Conservatory University between the years 1973 and 1976. In the year 1985 participated in the reopening of the National School of Fine Arts and is in his first year with the group of teachers headed by Jorge Errandonea. During the years 1986 and 1987 continue to attend regular classes and participating in various extracurricular...
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