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Artwork description

Surrealismo Abstracto. Pintura en Oleo sobre Canvas del pintor cubano Manuel Gongora, nacido en La Habana en 1957. Primer pintor cubano digital que expuso en el Museo Cubano de Miami en 1990.

Artist information

Born in 1957, Manuel Góngora came into the US from his native Cuba very young, when he was 12 years old. Since an early age, he had a different vision of the world. Rebellious against everything he did not like, what were many things other children accepted as part of their learning process, he grew up in the heart of an exile community. Perhaps that sense of belonging to a different universe made him feel he did not belong anywhere. That sense of “not belonging” encompasses life, places

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Little 12.3 x 7.9 in166 $
Medium 36.7 x 24.5 in417 $
Big 61.1 x 40.2 in923 $
Personalized12.3 x 7.9 in
166 $

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