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Esta obra ha sido utilizada para ilustrar la portada del libro \"DEBONAIRE\" Novela del escritor Norteamericano Dave Moruzzi salida a la venta online en Marzo de 2014.es una composicion sencilla donde el tema principal es la relacion de ternura y carino entre la nina y el gato. las lineas continuas marcan campos geometricos matizados con colores suaves que enfatizan la figura central. La imagen es atrapada cuando el gatito voltea a ver al expectador inundandonos de amor con su gesto.
Born in the State of Veracruz, Mexico in 1965. Urban Construction studies at the National College of Technical Vocational Education in Mexico City. In the same institution awarded a scholarship that allowed him to study at the National School of Painting and Sculpture La Esmeralda. He has received several training courses at the University of Guanajuato, Universidad Iberoamericana and University Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca in Pinar del Rio Cuba. Working as a draftsman and designer in the...
See more information about QUINTIN PEREZ