Home > Artworks > Photography Conceptual/Abstract > Photography Color (Digital) > JC. POMPEU > Works by JC. POMPEU > CATALOGO DE DESEJOS / CATALOG WISH > BOLIVAR y la mirada en lo regreso da 4ª FROTA NAVAL US en los mares da AMERICA LATINA y CARIBE.


BOLIVAR y la mirada en lo regreso da 4ª FROTA NAVAL US en los mares da AMERICA LATINA y CARIBE.

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Artwork description

Fotografia cor tamanho 30x45 sem moldura.

PHOTO: 770,00 euros.
BRONZE CASTING: 7,70 euros/net weight.

Artist information

photographer, poet, visual art, conceptual art, educator, writer,

philosopher, PhD in creative leisure, master's degree off free time

and humour acid.

olhares & alheios & alhures (looks & others & elsewhere).

born and living in Sao Paulo city, Brazil.

DNA analysis: 36% african, 30,34% european, 24% indigenous,

4,06% indo-arab, 3,89% caucasian, 2% jewish, 1,46% monkey...

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