Home > Artworks > Painting Acrylic > Painting Card > Painting Landscaping > Lazaro Hurtado > Perspectiva en la mecanica social del sistema jubilatorio


Perspectiva en la mecanica social del sistema jubilatorio

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Argentina
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Acrylic
  • Medium: Card
  • Theme: Landscaping
  • Measurements: 40.16 x 28.35 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: sociedad, conceptual, gente, social, grafico, surreal

© All rights reserved

Artwork description

Pensamientos Ilustrados...
\"Perspectiva en la mecanica social del sistema jubilatorio\"

Momento de re pensar la organización de
nuestra sociedad, toda ella.
Un sistema jubilatorio tragando sin fin nuestros mejores años,
reduciendo al ser humano a un trozo de madera
para alimentar el horno.
( Los perros representan nuestra lucha interna,
nuestra mente en desesperada lucha por salirse de ello)
Salir de la rutina sin sentido diaria.
Diran que debemos hacer dinero para vivir,
y respondo, cuanto necesitas realmente?
Cuales son las necesidades reales y cuales las artificiales...
Y eso lleva a la reflexión de quienes somos
cual es nuestro propósito, nuestra idea acerca de porque estamos aquí.
Cómo queremos vivir realmente...

Time to re think the organization of our society, all of it.
A retirement system eating endlessly our best years,
reducing the human been to a piece of wood
to feed the furnace .
( the hound dogs represent our struggle,
our mind to get out of it)
Get out of the everyday meaninless routine.
You would say we have to make money to live
and i answer, how much do you really need?.
What are real necesities and what are artificial ones....
and that leads to the reflexion of who we are
and what is our porpouse or our idea about why are we here.
How i really want to live .....

Artist information

The images you see are the working mechanics of a brain on a mind made world...

See more information about Lazaro Hurtado

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Little 11.5 x 7.9 in165 $
Medium 41.8 x 29.6 in416 $
Big 72.1 x 51.2 in953 $
Personalized11.5 x 7.9 in
165 $

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