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Con todo respeto y humildad.Si Goya hace centurias pintó su Maja Desnuda ,porque nó ( gracias a Artelista ) exponer un trabajo realizado como un reto a las habilidades de un aficionado al arte,que presenta una dama descanzando con su mirada y penzamientos en el infinito,sosteniendo una copa de mitigante licor; pintura realizada con acrílico sobre lienzo
Greetings .-
I see that is good and necessary to put some history for those who produce the pictures. My Professions is or was the electronics in the field of radio aids to aviation. Tube always liking for art and a kid I liked the picture, giving more dedication and in my older years, admired the works of art, but despite wanting pintarno had the time to either work or they had to devote my attention to my wife who had a terminal illness, concluding with two open heart operations...
See more information about Mauro Raul Cobos Zúñiga
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