Information on the original artwork

Creative Commons License - by-nd

Artwork description

Collage, papel, tela, Acrilico sobre lienzo.

Artist information

1970 Painting and Graphic Design, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano Bogota Colombia. EXHIBITIONS 1982 Galeria PICASSO.Villavicencio. Colombia 1984 Museum Planetarium. Bogota 1985 Casa de la Cultura. Tunja, Colombia 1985 Casa de la Cultura. Villavicencio 1986 Colombian Federation of Painting. Goal Club Bogota Colombia 1987. Villavicencio. Colombia 1988 Retrospective 20 years of painting on porcelain "Artists Llaneros Bogota Colombia 1989. Target Club. Villavicencio Colombia 1990 Latin...

See more information about Margarita Lopez Manrique

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