Code: ARTEBF24Black Friday Week: 10% in original artworks until 26/11, free shipping
Muchas veces el encuentro con un ser desconocido y especial, nos produce espectativas, admiraciôn y alegrîa. No todas las veces encuentras en los personajes desconocidos, lo que siempre pensabas y deseabas encontrar. Sinembargo la bûsqueda es constante y al final lo desconocido es la motivaciôn esencial en el encuentro con lo incôgnito y lo maravilloso. Esta obra es un homenaje a mi nieto JUAN ANDRES MONTANO ZAMBRANO, modelo en esta creaciôn artîtica.
I'm Colombian, born in Cumbitara, Nariño, on August 3, 1956. At 12 years old I left my homeland and steers my steps towards the conquest of my desired future. From those years of adolescence, SETI inclination for art, but only at 26, I could devote myself to painting. I started with the hardest, portrait, oil on canvas.
The year 1983 marked the beginning of my career and was in Manizales, Colombia, where I did my first works. From there, my art work continued, I became a plastic...
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