Mural ubicado en la Municipalidad de Antofagasta, Chile. Acrílico sobre madera entelada, 602x244 cms.Refleja: "Una visíon alegórica de un hecho inexistente ejemplifica que los indigenas dominaron antes el territorio de lo que hoy es Antofagasta".
Julio Fernando Gonzalo Sepulveda BRAVO Born in Iquique (Chile), Sepulveda Bravo perform two years of studies in architecture and then delves into the world of drawing and painting in the workshop of Manuel Escobar Lehman. He graduated in Graphic Design at the University of Antofagasta. In the city of the same name taught at the university for eight years. Make pictorial exhibitions in major cities in Chile, in Argentina and Paraguay, also in Spain. In this activity you get various prizes....
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