Tema recreado en el popular Mercado de Santo Tomás, que se celebra en Bilbao en Navidades, el 21 de Diciembre de cada año. En este mercado se venden productos recogidos en los caseríos de Bizcaya., registrándose afluencia de público de decenas de millares de personas.
Enrique López Suárez \"Elosu \"
Self-taught artist and painter style similar to Impressionism. Associate Partnership Basque Watercolors, and Biscayne Art Association, where he teaches painting and drawing workshop.
Born in Oviedo in 1938 and since that year living in Bilbao.
Since childhood has always been easy for the drawing. At 20 he painted his...
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Works for sale Enrique López Suárez - ELOSU
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