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Artwork description

I see a great deal of similarity between emotions and colours. Just like emotions, colours add a variety to my existence. Colours have a strong personality and each colour sparks a different emotion, the way they flow.
There is a resemblance between how emotions flow and how I try to explore the movement of colours in my works. Emotions are complex and I try to exhibit them in their state of complexity. I experiment with the fluidity of the colours and alter their viscosity to an extent that they start to flow and move with uncertainty.
My abstract pieces reflect on the beauty of uncertainty in life. As water moves and flows without any intention, I let the colours flow irrespective of what they form into, leading to beautiful patterns. The beauty of abstraction is that its interpretation is different to each individual. We interpret art in our own unique ways. I express my emotions through the flow of colours which is the root of my works.

Artist information

Abstrationist, Abstract expressionist, Minimalist, Excessivist and Post modernist.

Self taught multi-disciplinary artist finding modern ways of making contemporary art.

Selling art worldwide since 2008.

Aspiring to be one of the most inspiring artists for post modern expressionism.

See more information about Sumit Mehndiratta

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Little 10.7 x 7.9 in165 $
Medium 39.8 x 29.6 in416 $
Big 68.6 x 51.2 in953 $
Personalized10.7 x 7.9 in
165 $

Delivery between 5 and 7 days

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