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En la sociedad actual, los objetos y las relaciones son cada vez más efímeros y superficiales, el rescatar objetos cotidianos que la sociedad abandona es una metáfora del rescate de los valores humanos.
"cargapalitos", es un apodo de cariño con el que mi madre me llamaba cuando era niño y conservaba piedras, trocitos de madera y otros objetos que encontraba en la calle.
If I can take details of the everyday and transforming them into something great, then how great I've done something everyday, and if any person, to see some of my work gets that message, then, certainly, what I do will make sense.
Life is a miracle in itself, attending to her every day with attentive and curious eyes is the most exciting I know, apart from painting.
Occasionally joy
pebbles against my window strip
you tell me who is there waiting
but I feel...
See more information about Juan Carlos Caballero Ortiz