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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Colombia
  • Category: Photography
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: desplazados

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Artwork description

Detras del auto blaco una pequeña niña se asombra, su heroe es un desplazado víctima de la violencia, José María es desde que llegó a Santa Marta, un reciclador de cartón y metales.

La niña, atónita ante la cantidad de deshechos cargados por José, intenta llamar la atención de quien puede ser su padre, él también la ignora a ella. "Es sólo una niña"

Artist information

I am a young creative, applied knowledge of art history and retro photography to feed my work. I was born in Bogotá, Colombia's capital in 1983, a cold city. At the age of 4 years old my parents took me to live in the Colombian Atlantic coast, in a city that still retains its colonial and republican reminisencias: Santa Marta.

From 7 years I got interested in watching most abstract of all things around me. I opened up the art from poetry, the novels of Turgenev and the tales of...

See more information about Carlos Ernesto Uribe Nieto

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