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Conjunto escultórico de Jesús en la Entrada Triunfal en Jerusalen a lomos de la borriquita. Talla en madera de cedro real policromada al óleo. Señor totalmente anatomizado y policromado, para vestir. La talla del Señor tiene las medidas de un hombre de 1,80 m y la burra mide 1,75 m de largo y 1,05 m a la cruz. Realizada para la Hdad. de la Veracruz de Rota (Cádiz). 2008.
Miguel Angel Caballero Pérez was born in Rota, Cadiz province, on January 18, 1975. From his earliest childhood drawing is always remembered. Before entering adolescence most of his drawings are already religious themes, representing the images of his beloved people. Already entered into contact adolescence, self-taught, with oil painting. Together with a friend begins to make strides in miniature and this leads him to have to produce the... See more information about Miguel Ángel Caballero Pérez