dimensiones: 75 x 100 cm
materiales: acrilico / lienzo
Este paraje evoca mi recuerdo de cuando en mi juventud merodeaba por esos bellos rincones cercanos a mi pueblo natal. El ángulo resalta el contraste del riachuelo donde solía pescar y las lomas entre las cuales está mi casa.
No es necesario enmarcarlo pues está pintado desde los bordes.
En venta por galeria Varadero
My name is Guillermo Enrique Florido Martínez. I was born on May 24th, 1958 in Cuba. I am licensed in Education, specializing in mathematics as a teacher of average and superior levels. I worked as a computer technology professor at Matanzas\'s Institute Superior Pedagógico from 1982 to 1995. Here I attained the level of Assistant Professor\'s teaching category, and I was also the primary professor of the computer science for Mathematical technology in this institute for several years. I have...
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