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Serie Objetos Flotantes (Floating Objects). Simbolísmo Estructural. Pintura para leer.
El Bombillo o la Bombilla incandescente como también se le conoce es un símbolo muy tradicionalmente empleado para ejemplificar la creatividad o sea la idea. Una idea flotante, es un recuerdo. Cada quien tiene vivencias diferentes y por lo tanto recuerdos, sueños e ideas diferentes sobre un mismo tema. Pero si ese recuerdo es importante será inolvidable y siempre estará presente en nuestra vida.
The Incandescent Bulbs or as it is also known is a very symbol traditionally used to exemplify the creativity that is the idea. A floating idea is a memory. Everyone has different experiences and therefore memories, dreams, and ideas on the same topic. But if that memory is important will be unforgettable and will always be present in our lives.
ARTISTIC CURRICULUM CARMELO GONZALEZ GUTIERREZ. Artist, writer, graphic design and advertising, cartoonist and photographer. Born September 20, 1956, in La Havana, Cuba. Her parents engravers and painters: Ana Rosa and Carmelo both leading figures of the Cuban plastic arts of the twentieth century, standing in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana. Since 1976 works as a cartoonist (comic artist) in the Directorate of Publications PRENSA LATINA, there happens to be performed...
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