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Pintura a Pastel sobre papel Canson por Jim Barber Hove. 64 x 49 cm (25?x19?)

Alces al Amanecer
Los alces abundan en la tundra del norte de Canadá. La pintura está inspirada en una foto que encontré en imágenes de Google. El ver la foto me trajo gratos recuerdos de mi juventud cuando solía acompañar a un gran amigo a la cacería de venado en los densos bosques del norte del Estado de Wisconsin. Un venado macho, aunque no tan grande como el alce, no deja de impresionar por su gran cornamenta, regia elegancia y lindo color de piel. Me acuerdo que en una ocasión, mientras pescábamos lobina en el Lago Oso, precisamente al amanecer, observamos con asombro, a unas 50 yardas de distancia de la orilla del lago, a un enorme venado macho bajando a beber. Nunca se me podrá olvidar. Sus grandes astas debían haber tenido por lo menos 20 puntas. La piel de este majestuoso animal se bañaba en el brillo dorado del naciente sol. En mi pintura de los alces intenté recrear este momento esplendoroso de mi antigua memoria.
Pastel painting on Canson paper by Jim Barber Hove.64 x 49 cm (25?x19?)

Elk at Sunrise
Elk and moose abound in the tundra of northern Canada. I painted this scene inspired by a photo that I found in Google Images. Seeing the picture brought to my mind cherished memories of my youth when I had accompanied my very good friend on his deer hunting trips in the dense forests in the northland of the state of Wisconsin. A male deer, although not as large as an elk, certainly makes a strong impression for his huge antlers, his stately elegance and his beautiful skin coloring. I remember one occasion when we were fishing for bass at sunrise on Otter Lake we observed much to our amazement; about 50 yards from the lakes edge an enormous stag coming out of the forest to take a drink of lake water. I´ll never forget it. His majestic set of horns must have had at least 20 points. We gazed in awe at his stately pose and at the way his fur radiated a golden hue in the rising sun. In my painting of the elk I attempted to recreate this splendid memory.

Artist information

Since I can remember I have had an urge to express myself artistically. As a young student, I was interested in sports, singing and theater. In my years at West Bend High School, I was selected to sing in the school choir, to play trumpet in the school band and to act in the school musical productions.

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Little 11.1 x 7.9 in165 $
Medium 33.9 x 24.9 in416 $
Big 56.7 x 41.4 in921 $
Personalized11.1 x 7.9 in
165 $

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