Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Argentina
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Landscaping
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: rosa, flores, hojas

Creative Commons License - by-nc-sa

Artwork description

Se plantea aquí, la vida. La juventud, la madurez plena y la adultez con brillos de juventud.
Obra seleccionada en el salón anual de Avon y expuesta en el Museo de Arte Moderno de Resistencia, Chaco.
En el salón Nacional de Avellaneda, Santa Fe, y el Museo de Arte Decorativo en la ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

Artist information

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Degree in Social Service. Based in Reconquista, where he studied drawing and National Teacher conducted postgraduate students in Art Theory in the city of Rosario and Santa Fe serves as Professor of Printmaking, Painting and Ceramics at the Institute of Teacher Education in Arts General Manuel Belgrano "No. 5074 in the city of Reconquista. Has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in various cities. According to the artist Graciela Robles Nieto of the...

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