Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Acrylic
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Marine Painting
  • Measurements: 20.08 x 14.57 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: artelista, cubano, pintores, hijo, carmelo, carmelohijo

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Artwork description

Objetos que flotan es una sarcástica aunque triste mirada al fenómeno de la emigración cubana.
Durante décadas, miles de cubanos han puesto su mirada, sus esperanzas y su vida en juego, para en salir de la isla que los vio nacer, como solución a sobre todo a sus problemas materiales, pero también por la reunificación familiar producida por décadas de guerra ideológica.
La gran inventiva y audacia utilizada para escapar, en ocasiones produjo ejemplos inseguros e ineficaces, desafortunadamente condujeron a muchos a un triste fin en las peligrosas aguas del mar Caribe.
Recordando esta traumática página de nuestra historia, he recreado esta serie de pinturas incluida dentro del lenguaje simbolista estructural que empleo desde 1990.

Floating objects is a sarcastic yet sad look at the phenomenon of Cuban immigrants.
For decades, thousands of Cubans have set his sights, his hopes and his life at stake to leave the island on which they were born, as a solution to their problems especially materials, but also for family reunification produced by decades of ideological war.
The great inventiveness and audacity used to escape, sometimes unsafe and ineffective examples produced, unfortunately led many to a sad end in the dangerous waters of the Caribbean Sea.
Recalling this traumatic page in our history, I recreated this series of paintings included within the structural symbolist language use by me since 1990.

Artist information

ARTISTIC CURRICULUM CARMELO GONZALEZ GUTIERREZ. Artist, writer, graphic design and advertising, cartoonist and photographer. Born September 20, 1956, in La Havana, Cuba. Her parents engravers and painters: Ana Rosa and Carmelo both leading figures of the Cuban plastic arts of the twentieth century, standing in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana. Since 1976 works as a cartoonist (comic artist) in the Directorate of Publications PRENSA LATINA, there happens to be performed...

See more information about Carmelo ( Carmelohijo). González Gutiérrez

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