Homenaje a Picasso,"GUERNICA 3D" Técnica mixta /vinilo 160x360cm,año2009
Centro cultural Picasso -Málaga
Colegio de arquitectos-Málaga
Hotel Hilton-Sevilla
Participación en película "PRIME TIME"
Centro cívico-Málaga
Aeropuerto Málaga
OSVALDO LOBALZO www.osvaldolobalzo.com 1959 .- Born in Buenos Aires. 1977 .- He joined the New School. Works as a designer for Pirillo. 1978 .- Collective "Escuela Panamericana de Arte, Buenos Aires. 1979 .- Works diseando posters for artists like Mercedes Sosa, La Portea Jazz Band, etc. 1980 .- Beginning as a self-taught way the art world, while getting the title of a graphic designer. 1981 .- Exhibition at Galera Josde General San Martn, Buenos Aires. 1989 .- Comes to Spain and began his...
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