La pagina izquierda fue escrita por el famoso vampiro del camino verde "kabrito", haciendo alusión a los recuerdos. El retrato de la derecha es el propio kabrito, dibujado por uno de sus clientes.
Las dos paginas pertenecen a un diario muy interesante donde un exprostituto desahoga sus recuerdos en tinta.
Born May 27 17 years ago. I studied drawing, painting and music. I spend several hours painting, but the full time to the sources of inspiration. Abstract treatment of reality and make it mine my paintings, creating a new image where I feel more comfortable, a place to rest. The characters in my paintings are a reflection of people around me, and every painting I do is like the children I will never have, I appreciate my creations and feel that the only (but important) value of, is the...
See more information about Tonalli Melo Salvador
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