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Pintura a Pastel sobre papel Canson por Jim Barber Hove. 43 x 58 cm(17?x23?)
Bosque de Pinos
Era un día soleado cuando salí a caminar hasta la cima de la montaña ?Cofre de Perote?. A esta altura, el aire empezaba a rarificar. Ya empezaba a jadear por falta de oxígeno. Aquí me senté a tomar fotos y a hacer dibujitos. Me encantó esta escena. Abundan las flores y todavía hay muchos pinos aunque el lugar ha sufrido muchísima deforestación por la tala ilegal. Es triste que la extrema pobreza que abunda en el campo todavía obligue al campesino a cortar árboles sin ningún rastro de disciplina y con poca visión para el futuro. Recientemente el gobierno ha instituido programas de reforestación y apoyos financieros para que el campesino mexicano pueda empezar a hacer un buen negocio cuidando sus bosques en vez de destruirlos. Personalmente, creo que va a tener éxito y vamos a ver nuevamente enverdecer esta hermosa montaña. Por lo menos, en la llanura que se aprecia en mi pintura arriba de la zanja donde pasa el camino ya existe la siembra en hileras de cientos de pinos jóvenes que crecerán y ayudarán a dar nueva vida a este lugar.
Pastel Painting on Canson paper by Jim Barber Hove. 43 x 58 cm(17?x23?)
Pine Woods
It was a sunny day when I walked to the top of ?Cofre de Perote? Mountain. At this altitude the air began to get thinner. I began to pant for lack of oxygen. Here I sat down to take some pictures and do some drawing. I really liked this scene. There are abundant flowers and there still are a lot of pine trees although the mountain has suffered from deforestation because of illegal lumbering. It is sad that the extreme poverty that abounds in the countryside has driven the local farmer to harvest his forests with no sign of discipline and very little vision for the future. Recently the Mexican Government has put into place reforestation programs and provided financial assistance so that the Mexican farmer can begin to make money taking care of the mountain forests instead of destroying them. I personally believe these programs will be successful and soon we will see our mountain bloom again. Meanwhile, in the flat lands that you can just barely see in the painting, just above the ditch where the paved road passes, you would find planted row upon row of new pine seedlings. Hundreds of young pine trees that will grow and help give new life to this place.

Artist information

Since I can remember I have had an urge to express myself artistically. As a young student, I was interested in sports, singing and theater. In my years at West Bend High School, I was selected to sing in the school choir, to play trumpet in the school band and to act in the school musical productions.

See more information about jim barber hove

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Little 7.9 x 10.7 in166 $
Medium 23.3 x 30.8 in366 $
Big 38.2 x 50.4 in523 $
Personalized7.9 x 10.7 in
166 $

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