
Ajedrez de olivo.

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Sculpture
  • Materials: Wood
  • Theme: Figurative
  • Measurements: 15.75 x 15.75 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: caballo, torre, madera, ajedrez, olivo, alfil

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Artwork description

Ajedrez tallado 100% a mano, sobre troncos de olivo. Para diferenciar las piezas de la forma más natural posible a las blancas les he quitado la corteza, y a las negras se las he dejado.
Todas las piezas están firmadas.
Medida de las piezas:

Peones 5cm de alto
Torres 6cm de alto
Caballos 7 cm de alto
Alfiles 8 cm de alto
Reina 9 cm de alto
Rey 11cm de alto

Tablero: Chapa de madera de olivo natural y olivo teñida negra.

Madera Marco: Chapa olivo natural.

Ancho y Largo: 400mm

Grueso: 15mm.

Escaque: 43mm.

Acabado: Barniz Satinado.

Artist information

Chico Andrade was born in Ronda (Malaga) in 1968, began his artistic training in 2004 from the hand of sculptor Ricardo Davila, in the now defunct Parauta school size (Málaga). There he discovers the world of sculpture piedra.Más wood and late part of the artistic collective Algorma Group (Ricardo Davila, Chico Andrade and Diego Guerrero) with which makes large sculptures using natural waste Genal Valley (burnt brown). Participate in the Group Algorma various exhibitions and...

See more information about Chico Andrades

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