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El amor es un sueño abierto
El amor es una palabra
una esperanza un huerto un páramo
una migaja entre dos hambres
Alicia Inés Martínez linares (Alima) Address: Bogota-Colombia Studies: University INCCA Systems Engineer University of Colombia Arts: National University of Colombia EXHIBITIONS: ? 1994 Exp Hooll collective design and applied arts, Unv. Nal. Bgta. ? 1995 Exp. collective Unv.Nal.Fac.Bellas A. ? 1996 Exp. collectively. Cultural District ? 1996 Exp. A free collective Fac. Fine Arts. ? 1997 Exp. local artists collective COMFENALCO ? 1997Exp .. A collective Faculty Fine Arts ? 1998 Exp....
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