Coordinacion del Mural pintado durante un proyecto comunitario de la Escuela El Caminante de Villa María, Cba., en Iguazú, Misiones, en dos escuelas de aldeas Guaranies.
Diseño/Boceto: alumnos de la escuela
Técnica: Pintura sintética.
My name is Natacha Scauso, Im 23 years old, Im stuying at the Art College in my city, Córdoba, Argentina.
I´ve done many exhibits in arts galleries in my city, but I think the important thing of the art is not that...I think it is what we feel when we are painting or just looking at a painting...and if You can see or feel anything looking at my paintings, then...just then I will became an Thank you.
Let me know what do you think of my arts.
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