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Expresión sobre la mujer en una sociedad condicionada por aspectos hipocritas y tabues desproporcionados, donde todavia la mujer se tapa por temas culturales.
Accesit VIII Premio de Pintura "Nujer en el siglo XXI" Ayuntamiento de Velilla de S. Antonio (Madrid)
Mariana Diaz Cobo, was born in 1953 in La Línea de la Concepción (Cádiz). Training self-taught painting. Es in Alicante and Barcelona when it starts dibujo. Since 1995, in Madrid comienza su activity as a painter in a continuous manner. Pinta su studio in Madrid, working in several studios of painters su surroundings. Practice watercolor, alternating with the outdoor painting his studio and he paisaje. Su another residence in Soria influye it clear - dark su labor, especially the...
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