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Las vidas de los antiguos pobladores de las cuevas, contrastan con los actuales, que buscan en estas moradas de arcilla, refugio, la paz primigenia, y la intuición adormecida con el ruido de las máquinas y el estrés de las grandes ciudades. Esa búsqueda entre lo natural y lo artificial, sin romper la unión del hombre con la naturaleza ha sido siempre un sueño.
Since very little I liked to paint and draw. The first day of school drew a blank with pots that were hung on the wall of the classroom. The teacher saw the picture and said he had traced; a colleague pointed to the wall with his arm raised. The teacher looked there but did not say anything. Followed would be as if he had done something wrong. Since that day I did not copy anything, just painted what he imagined. Bachelor of Fine Arts.
When i was a girl I liked to paint and...
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