Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Mixed media
  • Medium: Paper
  • Theme: Landscaping
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: bosque, acuarela, pintura, pastel, acrilico, sal

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Artwork description

Técnica mixta de óleo, ceras, pinturas acrílicas e impregnación de sal en el tronco central de la ilustración. Los troncos dibujados forman una imagen conjunta que se hace visible sólo desde una posición determinada. Es mi interpretación del “bosque encantado” de Oma, como homenaje al artista vizcaíno Agustín Ibarrola. Se trata de una arboleda mágica donde la presencia humana armoniza con la naturaleza creando misteriosas geometrías en perfecto equilibrio simbiótico.
Enmarcación con soporte de cartón pluma de base, moldura tipo "rústico perla blanco" de 3.5 cm x 3 ml.) y cristal mate protector.

Artist information

I am self-taught artist. My first oil painting was made with 8 years. From there the creative feeling has accompanied me to a greater or lesser success, but I target academic background to the architecture, it is for me the ultimate expression of design aesthetic and technical limits in space. However, my eternal pursuit of happiness leads to doom, embarrassment and anxiety. I do not usually finish what I start. Studied until the third year of architecture at San Sebastian. First year of...

See more information about Soraya García

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