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Artwork description

Mundo intrincado poblado de personajes, que se arriesgan o no a dar el gran salto.
Sombrío, y suspendido mundo de líneas que simulan ser construcciones urbanas. Equilibrista...conviven en el tratando de animarse a dar el gran salto. año 2000.
medidas 140x140cm

Artist information

Born in Buenos Aires on February 25, 1953. He studied art at the National Schools of his country, Argentina. Son: Manuel Belgrano, P. Pueyrredón, and Ernesto de la Cárcova superior. Participates in several art seminars the most significant for the given artist in 1985, by artist Luis Felipe Noe. Ventures also paint other related disciplines such as printmaking, drawing and photography, as also the fashion design with traditional elements, interventions, apparel and accessories. His...

See more information about Susana Elena Fernandez Ortiz

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