Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Mexico
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Pastel
  • Medium: Paper
  • Theme: Figure Painting
  • Measurements: 10.63 x 15.75 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: retrato, pintura, guerra, impresionismo, figura, pastel

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Artwork description

Pintura a Pastel sobre papel Canson por Jim Barber Hove. 27 x 40 cm (10.5? x 16?)
Herencia del Odio
La imposición de paz utilizando métodos de terror ha sido parte de la vida histórica de nuestro mundo desde que nací en 1941. Es decir, durante mi vida. Pero, por otro lado, sabemos que las guerras entre tribus, países y regiones no empezaron con la 2nda Guerra Mundial sino quizás desde que el hombre en su desarrollo darwiniano genético adquirió el don de raciocinio. Lamentablemente la violencia y el terror han formado parte de la vida de todos los seres humanos en el pasado y en el presente y con toda seguridad seguirá siendo así en el futuro. Llegamos a pensar que el odio y la predisposición por la violencia son elementos con capacidad de regeneración en las sociedades del hombre. Parece automática. Como la lagartija tiene la capacidad de regenerar su cola destruida como también el hombre y sus sociedades tienen la capacidad de regenerar, de generación en generación, sus odios y sus endemoniados instintos bélicos.
Para pintar esta imagen me inspiré en una foto elocuente que apareció en National Geographics representando un aspecto del reciente conflicto en Bosnia. Había muchas personas agrupadas alrededor de una excavación hecha para el entierro masivo de bosnios masacrados. Las personas que más me llamaban la atención en el grupo eran estas dos, mamá e hija. Una de las personas a quienes enterraban era el papá de la niña quien observa la escena abrazada por su mamá. El papá había sido asesinado sin razón por un francotirador serbio quien mataba al azar a paseantes en la calle. Era un hecho deplorable. Cuando miré a los ojos de la niña y luego los pinté me convencí que lo más aterrador de este acontecimiento homicida no fue el injustificado y violento deceso del papá sino la impresión escalofriante y duradera que se incrustó en la mente y en el alma de la niña. Titulé esta obra ?Herencia de Odio? como reflexión sobre la incontestable incógnita que aflige a la humanidad--- ¿Cómo parar el ciclo destructivo de regeneración de odio que envenena las relaciones entre personas de diferentes culturas, políticas, razas o religiones?.........................

Pastel Painting on Canson paper by Jim Barber Hove. 27 x 40 cm (10.5? x 16?)
Inheritance of Hate
The imposition of peace using methods of terror has been part of the life in our world since I was born in 1941. That is to say, during my lifetime. But, on the other hand, we know that wars between tribes, countries and regions did not begin with the Second World War but probably have existed since Man, in his Darwinian genetic development, received the ability to reason. Regrettably, violence and terror have formed part of human life in the past, present and surely will continue into the future. We are obliged to think that hate and the predisposition for violence are elements that show capacity for regeneration in Man?s society. It seems automatic. Just as the lizard has the capacity to regenerate its destroyed tail so also Man and its society have the capacity to regenerate, from generation to generation, its feelings of hate and its devilish warlike nature.
In painting this image I was inspired by an eloquent photo which appeared in National Geographics some time ago representing an aspect of the recent conflict in Bosnia. In it a group of people were pictured standing around an excavation dug for the mass burial of massacred Bosnians. The people who most aroused my interest were these two, mother and child. One of the victims who were being buried was the father of the young girl comforted by her mother. The father was murdered by a Serbian sniper who randomly killed innocent people who happened to be passing by in the streets. It was a deplorable act. When I looked into the child?s eyes and later painted them I became convinced that the most terrifying thing about this murder was not the unjustifiable and violent end of the father but the spine chilling and long lasting impression that had been embedded in the mind and soul of the child. I entitled this painting ?Inheritance of Hate? as a reflection on the unanswerable unknown that continually afflicts humanity-----How to stop this destructive cycle of hate-regeneration which poisons the relationships between people of different cultures, political affiliations, races and religions? ---------

Artist information

Since I can remember I have had an urge to express myself artistically. As a young student, I was interested in sports, singing and theater. In my years at West Bend High School, I was selected to sing in the school choir, to play trumpet in the school band and to act in the school musical productions.

See more information about jim barber hove

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Little 7.9 x 12.6 in166 $
Medium 29.2 x 45.3 in419 $
Big 50 x 78 in1.002 $
Personalized7.9 x 12.6 in
166 $

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