Es una obra, que representa al submundo de las drogas; cuyo problema social aqueja al mundo entero sin distinción de raza, género u estrato social. Ha sido elaborada en base a materiales minerales extraídos de las minas del Perú, tales como cuarzo, pirita y arcilla de los valles interandinos. Su acabado en óleo, suma al esfuerzo del artista, el éxito expresivo de sus obras.
LUIS FRIAS CAVE Crafts-ore sculptural Naciun March 19, 1938 in the city of Trujillo, Peru. For his innate artistic vocation, it is considered as the creator of a new line he calls Artisan handmade sculptural in Mineral. Study their first years in the School of Fine Arts of Trujillo, his homeland, but he considers himself self-taught painter, sculptor and craftsman. As a teaching career, Professor ejercicomo the Quiruvilca mining settlement, where inspired by everyday events in the area,...
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