En la vida todos vamos cargando con el peso de rencores, resentimientos, errores, malos hábitos. Es preciso despojarnos de todo esto para dejar solo lo esencial de nuestro ser, esto hará mas felices a los seres que nos rodean y a nosotros mismos.
Portrait. NOLASCO VERA MARTINEZ. Veracruz Teayo nascent Castle, the May 3, 1961. Realizsus studies basically of Poza Rica. View From 12 to 18 years studying guitar, literary composition, drawing and oil painting. In 1980 he joined the faculty of architecture at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, titulndose in 1985. Aquconoce and learn the technique of painting with water (Watercolor), with Arch RenCapdevielle. In 1988 he founded the group assembled with artists from different...
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