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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Colombia
  • Category: Handicrafts
  • Sector: Decoration
  • Materials: Various
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: cervezas

Creative Commons License - by-nc

Artwork description

Vehiculos hechos en carton-paja, que sirven como licoreras, diferentes autos y modelos. Algunos con capacidad de carga de una botella de vino y 24 latas de cerveza.

Artist information

Sirjhon: call themselves, has a certain personality that deserves this moniker, since it exhibits drawings in a local newspaper (cartoons) ideas that are the result of his experiences or his closest friends, so do your drawings done in pastel , a practice that has developed in its more than 30 years drawing empirically. Loving feelings and emotions that only have their own models, like their cartoons is that they are unicas.Nacido 39 years ago in the city of Armenia, a city that is part of...

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