Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Panel
  • Theme: Landscaping
  • At Artelista since:

Creative Commons License - by-nc-nd

Artwork description

El qanat (acueducto árabe) de Villaluenga del Rosario (Cádiz) dormita bajo la calima veraniega, extendiéndose sobre los pastos agostados de la alta serranía. Sus pozos, en ladrillo y cubiertos por graciosas bóvedas esquifadas, aportan un discreto toque oriental a estas sobrias tierras y nos remiten a los tiempos de las razzias fronterizas.

Artist information

Alejandro Perez-Ordonez was born in Ubrique (Cadiz) in 1981. He is a completely self-taught painter with experience in the practice of artistic painting of more than a decade, without artistic academic studies, but with an eternal debt to their masters: Jose Antonio Martel Guerrero, Antonio Rodríguez Aguera and Jose Luis Mancilla Angulo, who are some of the maximum exponents of the Ubrique pictorial school. It is an artistic group of great tradition and a cohesive stylistic and thematic...

See more information about Alejandro Pérez Ordóñez

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