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En primer plano vemos un detalle de un barco sobre los maderos en el puerto seco. Más adelante detalle del puertito con sus barcos en el agua. Vemos a la izquierda la torreta del Tostón. Al fondo unas montañas y el cielo.
I was born on June 21, 1957 in Madrid, Spain. I studied drawing and painting at the Academy of Fine Arts "Artium", located in the Plaza Mayor of Madrid. At 22 I left my hometown to travel to the Balearic Islands, Formentera first and then to Ibiza, where I stayed 10 years. In this period, mainly painted the landscape of these two islands and some other surrealist themes. In these years, I traveled to Colombia where I sporadically exhibitions. For personal cuestones left the Balearic...
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