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Artwork description

Primero lo dibuje a lapiz , y posteriormente fue tratado digitalmente para darle algunos efectos , y el diseño va impreso sobre una tela ,con marco de madera ( tipo lienzo ) . mide 50 centimetros de ancho por 80 centimetros de alto . (si desea de otro tamaño solo comuniquese conmigo porfavor )

Artist information

My name is Mauricio, I have 26 years, the city of Tacna, Peru. I am the son of a Peruvian father and a Chilean mother. currently resides in Tacna, where I live with my father.

My passion for drawing began when he was 15 years, but began to work professionally since he was 17 years, where I encargon several draft designs, now I venture to translate my ideas and ofrese the public through paintings, and also printed on t-shirts which sell online through my blog, there you can find...

See more information about mauricio ala

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