
Colgantes cristal altered art

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Colgantes de cristal realizados con fotos o motivos diferentes. El cristal da la sensacion de que el motivo parezca en tres dimensiones. Va sellado por detras con varias capas de cristal liquido, este producto no es toxico y anade durabilidad a la pieza. Aunque es resistente al agua recomiendaria no sumergirlo en agua totalmente. El enganche esta banado en plata.
Medidas: 2,2cm x 2,2cm.
Puedo realizar colgantes por encargo, solo me tendriais que enviar la imagen que mas os guste, eso si la imagen tiene que ser de calidad, minimo 300pdi.
Y si eres pintor o escultor y realizas exposiciones y quieres vender mis colgantes en tu exposicion ponte en contacto conmigo.
En este momento estoy relizando colgantes para un pintor, aqui en Holanda, Jeroen Gerlofsma, aqui podeis ver su pagina: [-]
Para cualquier pregunta o duda podeis escribirme un mensage y os contestare lo mas rapido posible.
Gracias por pasaros por mi tienda.

Glass pendants made with pictures or different motives. The glass gives the impression that the motive appears in three dimensions. Sealed with several layers of liquid crystal, this product is not toxic and adds durability to the piece.
Please note that this pendant is water resistant but not waterproof. You will want to remove it prior to swimming, showering, or going on a water slide. A sterling silver plated bail came next, making this into a wearable work of art.
Measures: 2.2 cm x 2 2cm or 1x1 inch aproximatly.
I can made them on order, just send me the image that you like best, the image has to be quality, minimum 300pdi.
And if you are a painter or sculptor and make presentations and want to sell my pendants in your exposure please contact me. At the moment I am working for a painter here in the Netherlands, Jeroen Gerlofsma, here you can see their website: [-]
For any questions or concerns you can write me a message and I will reply as soon as possible.
Thanks for stopping by my shop.

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See more information about Maite Maese Diaz-Benjumea

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