Los callejuelas de los campamentos salitreros lucían limpiass, aseadas y frescas, gracias a la incansable labor de estas "barrenderas", que, además, mojaban el suelo, casda vezue era posible
Artist and muralist, winner of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts, FONDART 2010, O'Higgins Region, with the Project "Today, as then the People will be born," related to the "People's Bicentennial Alternative" (1810 - 2020)
Born in San Carlos, Province of Ñuble, Bío-Bío, spent his childhood in the city-mining camp of Sewell, mineral "Lieutenant", belonging to the commune of Machalí, Cachapoal Province, Region O'Higgins, Chile.
It has numerous solo and group...
See more information about PEDRO MIGUEL SEPÙLVEDA ROSALES