Information on the original artwork

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Artwork description

es una pintura que representa a una pareja de enamorados que se aman y se profesan amatse siempre, se entregan a la vida juntos para siempre, es un simbolo de amor entre las parejas

Artist information

JUAN CARLOS TORRES Aake Professional plastic artist graduated from the College of Arts Ignacio Merino de Piura First Place PROMOTION Fernando de Szyszlo 1994 Phone: 01 9687246101 92492396 E-Mail: nanakejc @ STUDIES 2000 - 2001 Printmaking Workshop-National Museum of Printmaking 1990-1994 Buenos Aires, Argentina - Drawing - Painting Art School "Ignacio Merino" Piura Per1988-1989-Painting Workshop "JosSabogal" Per1988-Chiclayo-1989-Drawing Workshop "JosSabogal" SOLO-Chiclayo Per...

See more information about Juan Carlos ÑañakeTorres

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